About Foundation

Mission and Development as a key to success.

We take action, in order to remove barriers.
We deliver a lot of reliable information, to provide the blind and visually impaired people equal opportunities in development.
We understand the needs of people with visual impairments, because we struggle with similar problems ourselves.
We provide support in rehabilitation, as helping others makes us happy.
This is the message, which reflects our work.
Mission and Development Foundation is created by the blinds, dynamic and passionate people. It is the team of creative and open for new ideas people. The organisation was established in February 2017.


What do we do?


We aim that in the age of digitalisation the blinds have equal opportunities of getting access to information, that they do not stand out from standards both technically and substantially.
The priority of our activity is the increase of independence and competence of visually impaired people. At the moment, we are working on implementation of the innovative project, which aims to enable the beginners to use computers and the Internet, as well as iPhones. Thanks to the prepared scripts saved on our website, interested users will be able to learn on their own at home. In addition, as a supplement to the scripts, we would like to record broadcasts, thanks to which the users could learn how to perform the particular activities connected with the specified computer program.
Hopefully, we will print the materials both in Polish and English, with large print for visually impaired people and Braille for the blind.
The method described above has been tested by the blind who have not used smartphones so far and their computer skills have been developed to a very limited extent. Simultaneously with our current activity, we are taking care of the website, which aims to be informative. Neither graphic nor advertisements were used on the website, in order to make surfing it easier for the blind and visually impaired people. Such layout of the website meets with very positive reaction from our readers.
At the moment we are focusing on the promotion of the Foundation’s activities, and the website, so that they are noticeable not only in our country, but also abroad.
With our activities, we would like to reach people from small towns and villages, regardless their age.
We encourage you to share information about our Foundation with everyone all over the world. The additional activity, which we undertake, is promoting cultural and educational events, and different kinds of projects dedicated to visually impaired people, organised across Poland, therefore we start cooperation with many NGOs acting in favour of those people.
We are willing to reach out to the equivalents of our Foundation in other countries. We can share our experience and will be happy to learn something from you.
Although in Poland there are programmes supporting visually impaired people, any department cannot fund our needs. We are not able to apply for so large subsidies. The dream of our Foundation is collecting money for buying its own local, in which we could realise projects, which came up from the initiative of our experts. We can see a huge need to create the recording studio, allowing for professional recording of training materials. Additionally, we would like it to be the training place for the blind who have problems with everyday duties, such as cooking lessons or learning household activities, including cleaning, washing and ironing.
This place would also allow the integration of beneficiaries, like a club or a day room. We would like, with the help from specialists, organise classes, which would strengthen the self-esteem of the visually impaired people taking part in those classes.
As additional classes, we offer courses broadening the interests of our beneficiaries, such as chess lessons, music therapy, foreign language lessons and Braille lessons. In our country there are not many places including complex development and rehabilitation of the adult blind. Without the support of our contributors, we will not be able to realise so important projects for our beneficiaries.


How to help us?


You can donate to the foundation by making payments to one of the best bank accounts:


BGŻ BNP Paribas S.A.


• GBP: 48 1750 0012 0000 0000 3996 1202
• EUR: 29 1750 0012 0000 0000 3996 1156
• USD: 82 1750 0012 0000 0000 3996 1172


How to contact us?


You can contact us via email, using the following email address:


Mir Foundation with the seat in Miłków was entered in the register of associations, other social and professional organisations, foundations and independent public health care facilities of the National Court Register, led by the District Court in Kielce, X Commercial Division of the National Court Register, with the number: 0000662293, VAT Identification Number: 6612373899, REGON Number: 366523823.

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